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School's Out!

Royal Saskatchewan Museum

School's Out!

Royal Saskatchewan Museum
Monday, February 17, 2025, 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Tuesday, February 18, 2025, 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Wednesday, February 19, 2025, 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Thursday, February 20, 2025, 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Friday, February 21, 2025, 1:00pm - 4:00pm

The Learning Lab (upper gallery) and Field Station (lower gallery) spaces will be open with drop-in, hands-on activities for the whole family. Learn about spiders in the Learning LAB and get creative building your own creature in the Field Station. At 2:30 p.m. meet up with Scotty for Scotty's T. rex Talk and ask Scotty your burning dinosaur questions! What's your favourite food? Did you have any brothers or sisters? What's your favourite hobby?


  • Grab a Family Week scavenger hunt and explore the Museum galleries.
  • Fill out a quick survey about your visit and get a commemorative Megamunch sticker or Scotty pencil!
  • Cap off the week by joining us for an Indigenous storytelling performance on February 21 with Skylar Anderson and Teddy Bison.

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The Royal Saskatchewan Museum and T.rex Discovery Centre are situated on Treaty 4 territory, the ancestral and traditional territory of the nêhiyawak, Anihšināpēk, Dakota, Lakota, and Nakoda, and the homeland of the Métis/Michif Nation. We respect and honour the Treaties that were made on all territories, we acknowledge the harms and mistakes of the past, and we are committed to moving forward in partnership with Indigenous Nations in the spirit of reconciliation and collaboration.