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Victoria Kablys


2340 Albert Street
Ph: 306-787-2667




Victoria Kablys joined the RSM team as Conservator in 2018. She earned her Master of Art Conservation (MAC), Objects Specialization, at Queen's University in Kingston, ON, Canada. Victoria also holds a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Anthropology (Honours) from the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Prior to joining the RSM team, Victoria held positions and placements in various institutions across Canada and the US, including: the Museum of Anthropology at UBC, the Museum of Vancouver, the Vancouver Art Gallery, the Royal Ontario Museum, the Arizona State Museum, and the Art Gallery of Ontario.

As RSM Conservator, Victoria is responsible for the preventive and remedial care of the natural and cultural history collections housed at the RSM, which includes vertebrate and invertebrate zoological specimens, paleontological specimens, archaeological artifacts, and Indigenous cultural belongings. Given the diversity of the collections stewarded by the RSM, she is always learning and collaborating with allied colleagues to find ways to best care for these diverse collections in a way that honours their significance and supports their ongoing preservation. Victoria is most passionate about contributing to the care of Indigenous belongings housed at the RSM in a way that is collaborative and prioritizes Indigenous access, control, and voices.

She has served on the Canadian Association for Conservation of Cultural Property's (CAC) Board of Directors since 2019, and currently holds the position of Executive Councillor of Professional Development.

Peer-reviewed Publications

Kablys, V., E. Demers, and A. Ghadban-Friesen. 2021-2022. Metamorphosis: Moving, Rehousing and Transforming Access to the Indigenous Studies Collection at the Royal Saskatchewan Museum. Journal of the Canadian Association for Conservation 46: 19–40.

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The Royal Saskatchewan Museum and T.rex Discovery Centre are situated on Treaty 4 territory, the ancestral and traditional territory of the nêhiyawak, Anihšināpēk, Dakota, Lakota, and Nakoda, and the homeland of the Métis/Michif Nation. We respect and honour the Treaties that were made on all territories, we acknowledge the harms and mistakes of the past, and we are committed to moving forward in partnership with Indigenous Nations in the spirit of reconciliation and collaboration.