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Grade 4 to 8

Ride the Rock Cycle (Grades 4 to 8)

Dates: mid-October through April (up until Easter Break)
Times: 9:45 am, 10:45 am, 1:15 pm and 2:15 pm
Duration: 1 hour
Class Size: maximum 30 students per class; maximum of two classes (total 60 students)* 

Take a ride on the rock cycle – you never know where you might end up during this game! Students will deduce the story of Saskatchewan rocks and identify their specimens. Is your rock metamorphic, igneous or sedimentary? What’s it’s story? Saskatchewan rocks and resources will be explored.  The program takes place in the SaskTel Be Kind Online Learning Lab.  We encourage you to take your students to explore additional exhibits at the conclusion of the program.  Worksheets for additional galleries are available under Teacher Supervised Visits. 

Curriculum Connections: RM4.1, RM4.2, RM4.3, EC7.1, ED7.2, EC7.3


Living on the Land (Grades 3 to 6)

Dates: mid-October through to April (up to Easter Break)
Times: 9:45 am, 10:45 am, 1:15 pm and 2:15 pm
Duration: 1 hour
Class Size: maximum 30 students per class; maximum of two classes (total 60 students)*
Students will learn how people lived on this land for thousands of years. Examining different hands-on artifacts, they will learn about innovative changes to hunting and gathering practices based on environmental changes over time. This program is based in and around the Buffalo Room program space. Most classes will be split into two groups. We encourage you to take your students to explore the First Nations Gallery at the conclusion of the program.  Worksheets for the gallery are available in both French and English under Teacher Supervised Visits.


Climate Change: It's About Time 

(Grades 6 to 8)

Dates: mid-October through April (up until Easter Break)
Times: 9:45 am, 10:45 am, 1:15 pm and 2:15 pm
Duration: 1 hour
Class Size: maximum 30 students per class; maximum of two classes (total 60 students)* 

Explore the climate of Saskatchewan when dinosaurs roamed the earth and compare to our present climate.  What is the difference between climate change over millions of years and the climate change that concerns us today? Students will visit the SaskTel Be Kind Online Learning Lab and the sphere in our new gallery, Home: Life in the Anthropocene.  We encourage you to take your students to explore additional exhibits at the conclusion of the program.  Worksheets for all galleries are available under Teacher Supervised Visits.

 Curriculum Connections: DL6.2, DL6.4, IE7.2, IE7.4, WS8.1, WS8.2, RW8.3


We Are All Treaty People (Grades 6 to 8)

Dates: mid-October to April (up to Easter Break)
Times: 9:45 am, 10:45 am, 1:15 pm and 2:15 pm
Duration: 1 hour
Class Size: maximum 30 students per class; maximum of two classes (total 60 students)*.

An escape room inspired program, the class works together to solve puzzles leading to a discussion about treaty promises and provisions.  The treaty relationship, historical context and spirit and intent are also highlighted. This program is based in the Buffalo Room program space.  We encourage you to take your students to explore the First Nations Gallery at the conclusion of the program.  Worksheets for the gallery are available under Teacher Supervised Visits. 


*Planning Your Class Visit

A single class is a group of 30 students, maximum. Our education programs do accommodate more than one class, up to two classes of 30 students each, for a maximum of 60 students. Just be prepared to spend more time at the museum for all students to complete the education program.

Teacher Supervised Visits

See our Teacher Supervised Visit section for guidelines on visiting the Royal Saskatchewan Museum on your own, without a program.  Find self-use gallery worksheets in both English and French available for download.


Admission is by donation. If your class is able, please consider making a donation of $2 per student.

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The Royal Saskatchewan Museum and T.rex Discovery Centre are situated on Treaty 4 territory, the ancestral and traditional territory of the Cree, Saulteaux, Dakota, Nakota, Lakota and homeland of the Métis Nation. We acknowledge the land in an act of reconciliation to those whose traditional territories we are on.