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Gr K-5: Storytelling with Elder Hazel

Indigenous Storytelling with Elder Hazel - Video Series

Elder Hazel shares with students from stories she has collected throughout her life. Indigenous people have long passed on knowledge from generation to generation through oral traditions, including storytelling. Storytelling teaches history, values, beliefs and ways of life.  Listen, learn and share together. Listening response worksheets available for each story.

Stories include:

Boggle Board Activities

Listen closely to Elder Hazel's stories to find all the hidden words in each boggle board.

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The Royal Saskatchewan Museum and T.rex Discovery Centre are situated on Treaty 4 territory, the ancestral and traditional territory of the nêhiyawak, Anihšināpēk, Dakota, Lakota, and Nakoda, and the homeland of the Métis/Michif Nation. We respect and honour the Treaties that were made on all territories, we acknowledge the harms and mistakes of the past, and we are committed to moving forward in partnership with Indigenous Nations in the spirit of reconciliation and collaboration.