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Glenn Sutter

Curator of Human Ecology

2340 Albert Street
Ph: 306-787-2859

Adjunct Appointments: Geography, University of Regina


Research Interests
Research Projects
Prospective Graduate Students
Peer-reviewed Publications

Research Interests

As someone who has always loved to study nature and people, I am intrigued by strategies that individuals and communities use to withstand and recover from stress. Initially, I explored this topic as a lab and field biologist interested in physiology and wildlife conservation. Now I study it as a human ecologist interested in sustainability education, with emphasis on community engagement, sense of place, and nature connection.

My current research has two broad themes: the importance of systems thinking in sustainability, and the connections between sustainability education and cultural evolution. These are important lines of enquiry, given the complex issues and rapid changes that society is facing at local, regional, and global levels. It is clear that some current economic and land-use practices are unsustainable and pervasive cultural norms are problematic, including physical and psychological gaps that separate people from each other and from nature.

Research Projects

My research has shown how cultural differences can affect sustainability education, from student-led action projects to community-driven ecomuseums. I have also shown how personal creativity can help people feel more connected to nature and other people.

My studies are generally guided by the following questions:

  • What do cultures of sustainability look like, and how can they be fostered?
  • How do sustainable communities reflect and respond to different aspects of living heritage, including knowledge about food and creative pursuits?
  • What indicators are in place, or need to be developed, to help communities move onto a sustainable path?

One of the topics I study is the role that ecomuseums can play in sustainability education. First developed in the 1970s for cultural interpretation, the ecomuseum model has since been adapted and applied around the world as a “museum without walls” and “an agreement by which a local community takes care of a place.”

I am also studying the relationship between personal creativity and nature connection, mostly through a program I started called Songs for Nature. This program is not only creating wonderful songs; it is also providing important insights about nature-based education.


Prospective Graduate Students

I am always eager to work with students who are curious and enthusiastic about the cultural aspects of sustainability education. Students with external funding or scholarships are especially welcome, but if all you have is good ideas, contact me anyway and we’ll see what we can do to acquire funding.

Here are some broad topics that might be of interest:

  • Historic and predicted effects of climate change on prairie landscapes and communities as linked eco-social systems.
  • The value of organic and conventional farms, protected areas, and urban settings as they contribute to food security and food sovereignty.
  • Steps that museums and their partners can take to foster cultures of sustainability through research, exhibits, and programs.
  • The role that living heritage can play in sustainability education and community development, especially through ecomuseums.

Prospective graduate students must meet the requirements of the faculty of Graduate Studies and Research and the Geography Department at the University of Regina.

Recent Peer-Reviewed Publications

Sutter, G. C. 2024. Pursuing sustainability education through museums: reflections of a renegade curator. Museums & Social Issues, 1–15.

Sutter, G. C., L. O'Malley, and T. Sperlich. 2023. Rural community engagement for heritage conservation and adaptive renewal. Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship.

Sutter, G. C. 2022. Canadian ecomuseums and climate change: Assessing the potential. Pg 175-188 in N. Borrelli, P. Davis, and R. dal Santo (Eds.), Ecomuseums and Climate Change. Ledizioni, Manila.

Peigan, D., G. C. Sutter, and A. Fletcher. 2022. Indigenous perspectives on heritage conservation and the ecomuseum approach: Initial findings from Saskatchewan. Prairie History 8:72-82.

Sutter, G. C. 2020. Where do museums fit? A review of "The Future We Choose." Museum Management and Curatorship.

Sutter, G. C. 2019. When global changes hit home: Museums as catalysts for local development. Museum International, 71:3-4, 76-87,

Hall, A. M. H., and G. C. Sutter. 2019. Conserving biodiversity through citizen science: Is there a role for ecomuseums? International Journal of the Inclusive Museum. 12 (4): 23-31

Kincaid, A. T., G. C. Sutter, and A. J. Fletcher. 2019. Highlights and Future Directions for Ecomuseum Development in Saskatchewan. Prairie Forum 40:72-83

Sutter, G. C., A. T. Kincaid, A. J. Fletcher, and T. Sperlich. 2019. Adapting Through Heritage: Can Ecomuseums Make Saskatchewan Communities More Sustainable? Prairie Forum 40:1-14

Arbuthnott, K. D. and G. C. Sutter. 2019. Songwriting for nature: Increasing nature connection and well-being through musical creativity. Environmental Education Research

Kincaid, A. T., G. C. Sutter, and A. M. H. Hall. 2019. Ecomuseums in Saskatchewan: Viewing networks and partnerships through a regional and project-specific lens. Pg 407-424 in David B. Zandvliet (ed.), Culture and Environment: Weaving New Connections. Leiden, The Netherlands: Koninklijke Brill NV.


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The Royal Saskatchewan Museum and T.rex Discovery Centre are situated on Treaty 4 territory, the ancestral and traditional territory of the nêhiyawak, Anihšināpēk, Dakota, Lakota, and Nakoda, and the homeland of the Métis/Michif Nation. We respect and honour the Treaties that were made on all territories, we acknowledge the harms and mistakes of the past, and we are committed to moving forward in partnership with Indigenous Nations in the spirit of reconciliation and collaboration.