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Plan Your Fieldtrip


If your class is able, please consider making a donation of $2 per student to the Friends of the Royal Saskatchewan Museum. All donations go to support programs, exhibits and services. 


School Programs

Submit a request form to book a program with a museum educator.  


Teacher Supervised Visits

See our Teacher Supervised Visit section for guidelines on visiting the Royal Saskatchewan Museum on your own, without a program.  Find self-use gallery worksheets in both English and French available for download.


  1. ONLY PENCILS are permitted in the galleries - please no pen or marker.
  2. No food or drink (including water bottles,gum and candy) in the galleries. Please inform chaperones.
  3. Museum Doors open at 9:30am, no entry available prior to that time.
  4. Have a question when you return to class?  Email us at Education Programs or contact one of our research scientists with our Ask a Museum form.


Please have enough chaperones to ensure the children are always supervised.

We recommend dividing into smaller groups; each with a chaperone to explore the galleries OR ensuring they are given some boundaries (i.e., only First Nations Gallery until everyone is done in that gallery) rather than having free access to the entire museum.   

Please instruct chaperones about their role in enforcing museum rules.


A bus parking lane (up to two buses) is available in the parking lot.  First come-first served.  If the bus lane is full, you are welcome to use the regular parking lot.


Wheelchairs and strollers are available on loan from our Front Desk at no charge, on a first-come-first-serve basis. Wheelchair accessible washrooms are located in the lobby. 

Food Service/Lunchroom

Snacks and soft drinks are available in vending machines next to the lobby. The Royal Saskatchewan Museum does not have a lunchroom space but a large picnic area is just steps away in Wascana Park. The auditorium may be available for lunch, please make arrangements upon booking.


We ask school groups to leave their coats and bags in the auditorium or in our mobile carts. Upon arrival, the front desk staff will direct you in finding a space for your group. We do not recommend leaving valuables in these spaces. Please note, food and drink are not allowed in the galleries and will have to be left in one of these spaces. A change of shoes is always appreciated in the winter months!

The Museum Shop

Our gift shop The Museum Shop is open during school visits. The shop has a range of items, many under $10, for children. Students are welcome in the shop if they are accompanied by an adult.

Support The

Friends of the RSM

Donating to the Royal Saskatchewan Museum funds our scientists and the active science research that they do. Be a part of new discoveries, conservation efforts, and real Saskatchewan science by contributing today.

Donate Now

The Royal Saskatchewan Museum and T.rex Discovery Centre are situated on Treaty 4 territory, the ancestral and traditional territory of the nêhiyawak, Anihšināpēk, Dakota, Lakota, and Nakoda, and the homeland of the Métis/Michif Nation. We respect and honour the Treaties that were made on all territories, we acknowledge the harms and mistakes of the past, and we are committed to moving forward in partnership with Indigenous Nations in the spirit of reconciliation and collaboration.