Admission by Donation
Stop by for a casual evening and a lively "Ask Me Anything" conversation, with our favourite bird expert Curator Ryan Fisher. He'll be sharing his knowledge of birds, birdwatching tips you can use, and tales from the field. Let's learn about birds in Saskatchewan together. Your ticket includes food from Tropezon Authentic Cuisine and beverages from our pals at Rebellion Brewing!
Join Margaret Harrison for an introduction to making a pillbox hat. No experience necessary, open to ages (13+). Beginner to intermediate participants welcome. Materials will be provided to create a Métis-style, black wool, pillbox hat. The workshop includes a presentation by Royal Saskatchewan Museum Curator of Indigenous Cultural History, Bailey Monsebroten who will introduce participants to hats held in the RSM collection. Registration is $20 per person.
Are you a songwriter who is 16 to 20 years of age and passionate about nature? Our new Songs for Nature youth camp may be just what you are looking for! This multi-week program will give you a chance to learn about the natural world and hone your songwriting skills by creating and sharing original, nature-inspired songs. You will also be contributing to research about creativity and nature connection.This camp is open to all genres and experience levels, but space is limited. Reserve your spot by April 11.
The Royal Saskatchewan Museum recently held a behind-the-scenes event to give a peek into some of the research the public doesn’t usually get to see. Our researchers showcased everything from dinosaur fossils and ancient sea turtles to endangered rats and rare insects.
Donating to the Royal Saskatchewan Museum funds our scientists and the active science research that they do. Be a part of new discoveries, conservation efforts, and real Saskatchewan science by contributing today.